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Brie Turnover with Fresh Fig, Goat Cheese, Prosciutto and Arugula Salad

Brie Turnover with Fresh Fig, Goat Cheese, Prosciutto and Arugula Salad

a perfect summer meal

a perfect summer meal

Though I really shouldn’t complain about Sydney’s weather, which is, more often than not, mind-blowingly perfect, today is chilly (which means around 60°F or 15°C) and wet. Nevertheless, I will resist the urge to post about something warm and comforting. To all my Northern Hemisphere friends: I hear you. I get that it’s too hot to make – or even consider eating – pappa al pomodoro or vegetable lasagna. So, just for you, I’ll put off that post about the sugo di salsiccia I just made, and write about something that will only require an oven for 30 minutes. And if that’s still too much to ask, you can always forget about the turnover and stick with the salad, which showcases what I consider summer’s finest gift: fresh figs.

fig guts

fig guts

Impromptu dinner party? The combination of the turnover and the salad is ready in 45 minutes and is pretty enough to impress.

To my vegetarian peeps, just leave out the cold cuts in the turnover and the prosciutto in the salad, and voilà!


These measurements are enough for five light servings. Make double if you want to be sure; the leftovers will be just as good cold.

1 rectangle puff pastry dough (when in the States, I love TJ’s or Pepperidge Farm)
a spoonful of Dijon mustard
½ onion, chopped
1 large wedge brie, sliced
¼ pound (125 g) turkey breast (optional)
1 large pear, sliced thinly
dried cranberries or red currant jelly

for the wash: one egg, beaten and sesame seeds (optional)

Preheat oven to 400°F/200°C. Caramelize the onions by slowly frying them in ample olive oil or butter; it should take at least 10 minutes on low heat. Meanwhile, cover a baking sheet with tinfoil and spray with non-stick spray. Down the middle of the dough, spread the mustard, top with the turkey, pear, brie, cranberries and caramelized onions. Season with salt and pepper. Close up and seal the sides of the dough over the fillings. Transfer the turnover to the prepared baking sheet, sealed side down. Brush top with egg wash and top with sesame seeds if desired. Bake 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.

While the turnover is in the oven, prepare the salad:


12 ripe fresh figs
1 box baby arugula leaves (or enough for 5 people)
½ wedge good goat cheese (such as Boucheron)
10 slices prosciutto or speck (optional)
good balsamic vinegar
olive oil

For the dressing, peel half the figs and mash them in a small bowl with balsamic vinegar, olive oil and salt, to taste.

In a large salad bowl, toss the arugula with the fig dressing, adding more balsamic and oil if it’s not enough to coat the leaves. Quarter the remaining figs and set aside.

When the turnover is cooked and has cooled for 10 minutes, cut it into 5 slices. Divide salad between each plate and top with a warm slice of the turnover. Top salads evenly with prosciutto, remaining figs and large chunks of goat cheese.

Fresh figs at Villa Ghigi, Bologna

Fresh figs at Villa Ghigi, Bologna

In Praise of Figs

In Praise of Figs

Banana Bread

Banana Bread