
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Peach, Mozzarella & Fresh Mint Salad

Peach, Mozzarella & Fresh Mint Salad


We’ve had quite the winter in Boston. It was cold, it was bitter and now that it’s finally over I can’t help but wear sandals and leave windows open despite the chilly April wind. I don’t care if it’s too cold – we survived a 5-month arctic night, the last two months of which were particularly bleak weather-wise – we deserve to celebrate any way we want.

This salad is kind of like sandals in April. A little too early, but everyone’s too distracted by the evening sunshine to notice.

This dish screams summer for so many reasons: it uses stone fruit and fresh herbs, and requires no cooking and only 5 minutes of prep. Plus it’s super light, refreshing, and delicious.

So while my toes may be cold, my mouth is happy. And when summer comes? I’ll be ready.



Makes enough for a side salad for 4 or a light lunch for 2.

A few ripe peaches

1 ball fresh mozzarella (the kind in liquid)

leaves from a few sprigs of mint, torn

sale & freshly ground pepper

extra virgin olive oil

Slice the peaches thinly. Slice the ball of mozzarella, too. Arrange the slices on a plate. Sprinkle with the torn mint leaves. Season with salt and pepper and drizzle generously with good olive oil. Enjoy!

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Smoked Trout Salad with Potatoes, Fennel, Peas and Dill

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