
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

we love summer in Sydney for . . .

we love summer in Sydney for . . .

the perfect affogato @ the shortlists

the perfect affogato @ the shortlists

the crowds at Coogee

the crowds at Coogee

rolling in the grass

rolling in the grass

rained in hotdogs & hamburgers for three

rained in hotdogs & hamburgers for three

al fresco breakfasts @ the shortlists

al fresco breakfasts @ the shortlists

wet dogs

wet dogs

al fresco breakfasts @ bronte beach

al fresco breakfasts @ bronte beach

spider webs

spider webs

stone fruit

stone fruit

life savers in training @ Bronte beach

life savers in training @ Bronte beach

random, divisive (me = yum; him = yuck) dinners

random, divisive (me = yum; him = yuck) dinners

the sand on our bellies

the sand on our bellies

Hello dear readers! I don’t mean to make you jealous or imply that we don’t work around here. Francesco’s been at the office everyday for the last 4 weeks and I’m already up to my elbows in books. That’s right. I’m heading back to school in the fall (which, in the southern hemisphere, means two weeks from now), so my posts (and sanity) will be thinning out a bit.

As you can imagine, I’m using the next few weeks of freedom to play in the surf, go on long bush walks, cook up a storm and generally indulge my inner cinephile. Just kidding, it’s way too hot to do almost all of those things. I’ll mostly be inside, as close as safety allows to the fan, sucking on ice cubes and flipping through Laying Down the Law, edition 7. Things are about to get vewy, vewy serious around here.

But don’t worry, I won’t abandon you or my le creusets. Just be forewarned that enough time may pass between posts to make you believe I’ve started decaying in the library, something which would be entirely possible if I didn’t have my two boys to pull me out of it and remind me that under no circumstances is spagbol acceptable for consumption and only in very specific cases is the library an acceptable place for sleeping.


We’ll still be eating, of course (all the better to distract myself!), though more of it will come out of a can or a takeaway box. Maybe I’ll even discover amazing things to make in under 3 minutes when no one has been to the market in a month (bean soup? cracker and jam sandwiches?). Maybe my cooking will – out of sheer desperation – become more inspired (boeuf bourginon? paella?). Whatever happens, it will be an adventure and I hope you’re along for the ride.

Rice Pudding

Rice Pudding

Bircher Muesli

Bircher Muesli