
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Roasted Chestnuts

Tis the season.

For lots of things: cookies, wrapping paper cuts, glitter-filled greeting cards and drinking too much.

Tis also the season for roasted chestnuts. You may have noticed them at the grocery store and dismissed them as nothing more than the best part of that Nat King Cole song.


But roasted chestnuts are the easiest and arguably the most classic thing to offer guests with their sixth glass of red wine. Even guests who, like me, think that chestnuts are for squirrels. Last night we roasted chestnuts on an open….pan on the stove…and I kept up with the best of them, peeling and biting and chewing and swigging and laughing. They are decidedly addictive. The only thing missing will be Jack Frost nipping at your nose.



Use as many chestnuts as you want here. The average buzzed celebrant can stomach anywhere from 5 to 15. Be sure to serve with red wine. Happy roasting!

How to:

Using a sharp knife and taking care to avoid fingers, carve a cross into the side of each chestnut. (Symbolism?!?!?!)

Put all the prepared chestnuts in a large pan over an open flame or on the stove. Cook over high heat until the peels begin to come off a bit and the chestnuts are soft inside. The chestnuts will be a bit blackened.

Take a tea towel and moisten well. Wrap all the chestnuts in the towel and  squeeze them – they should crack somewhat, helping the peel come off easily.

Put the chestnuts in a bowl and cover with the tea towel to keep warm. Serve with red wine and little plates on which to discard the shells.


Lemon Polenta Cake

Lemon Polenta Cake

