
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Pumpkin Purée

Pumpkin Purée


The pumpkin is a versatile thing. Whether it’s in the classic pie, my killer cake, a nontraditional bread pudding, the amazing Afghan kaddo bourani, or the simplest pumpkin soup (see below), it’s always a comfort and super easy to prepare. Now that autumn is creeping up on you northerners, I won’t hesitate any longer to provide instructions to make your very own pumpkin purée. Though the cans are mighty convenient, fresh is better (for your taste buds and the environment) and besides, not everyone lives in a first world country where canned pumpkin is readily available.

I must admit, I did stow away some canned pumpkin for my move to Sydney. It may or may not be hiding out in the back of my cupboard for emergency situations. And I sometimes dream of a world in which canned pumpkin can be found on every supermarket shelf alongside instant pudding mix, clamato juice and Reese’s pieces. But that’s not the point! The point is: would you make pumpkin soup out of canned pumpkin? I didn’t think so.


If you’re not convinced, stick around, I’m only just getting started. Making your own pumpkin purée requires no fancy electrical appliance, no elbow grease and almost no effort. Just a knife, an oven and a pot. Or, if you’re reeeeeallly lazy, and I know some of you are, just a knife and a pot.

Apart from the ease factor – yes, Nina, even YOU can make it – pumpkins last practically forever and look festive on the counter top or as a centerpiece. They are also really inexpensive and extremely healthy.

Wait! I’m not done! One little pumpkin will make enough purée for a ton of different recipes and can easily be frozen for future culinary endeavors. AND – get this – every time I’ve said or will say pumpkin, you could substitute it with butternut squash or any other kind of edible squash for that matter. It might change the flavor slightly, but the process and uses are pretty much the same.

So! Let’s list all the delicious things we can make with pumpkin/squash purée, shall we?

Pumpkin Apple Streusel Cake...coming soon

Pumpkin Apple Streusel Cake...coming soon

mmmm cake (with cream cheese frosting)

mmmm cake (with cream cheese frosting)

Pumpkin Cinnamon Bars

Pumpkin Cake

Pumpkin Hummus

Pumpkin Chestnut Ravioli

Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin Muffins

Pumpkin Tortellini

Pumpkin Cinnamon Dip

Pumpkin Cardamom Jam

Peanut Butter Pumpkin Brownies (yes, please!)

Pumpkin Fritters

Pumpkin Whoopie Pies

Pumpkin Quinoa Cookies

Pumpkin Cheesecake

Pumpkin Amaretto Soup

Pumpkin Bread

Pumpkin Almond Butter

Pumpkin Sauce for Chiles Rellenos

Pumpkin Ice Cream

Pumpkin Gingerbread Trifle

Pumpkin Gnocchi

Pumpkin Gingersnap Bread Pudding

Pumpkin Starbucks Scones

Pumpkin Risotto with Walnuts and Sage

Pumpkin Dark Chocolate Cupcakes

Pumpkin Apple Streusel Cake

Pumpkin Bran Vegan Pancakes (I think this is my cue to stop)

…and the list, I assure you, could go on and on.

So, now that you’re convinced, I present you with simple instructions to make your very own pumpkin (or squash) purée. Unless you can’t find one thing on that list that makes your stomach growl, now you have no excuse. Or at least you understand how much I really do love making lists.

And if, after making the homemade stuff, you suddenly feel a guttural repulsion to the cans of pumpkin in your pantry, don’t panic. Just put them all in a box and send it to me. I know lots of ways to get rid of them.

before being roasted

before being roasted

and after.

and after.


You can use a pumpkin or a squash. You can use a whole gourd or one that’s pre-sliced from the supermarket. To give you an idea of quantity, one full medium butternut squash will make about 4 cups of purée that you can use in sweets OR will serve as soup for about 6 first courses.

Preheat the oven to 400°F/200°C. Line a baking tray with tin foil.

Take one pumpkin or butternut squash and cut it in half. Scoop out the seeds and discard them (unless you like pepitas! If you do, save them, dry them, toss them with salt and spices and bake them.)Poke around the flesh with a fork, and put the pumpkin skin-side down on the tray.

When the oven is preheated, pop the tray in the oven for anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes. You’ll know it’s done when the flesh is really easily punctured with a fork and the skin comes away easily.

Allow the pumpkin to cool slightly so you can handle it. Now, rip or cut off the skin and throw it away. Scoop all the flesh into a large pot and just barely cover with water. Cook down over medium-high heat, stirring every once in awhile, until the pumpkin is becoming a complete mush. Mash it up with a big spoon. Cook more to make the purée thicker, or add more water if it’s too thick. You’re done!



Follow above instructions for pumpkin purée. Add salt and pepper. Serve.


  1. add curry, or your favorite indian spices

  2. add broken up amaretti cookies and serve with grated parmigiano cheese on top

  3. top with some mascarpone mixed with gorgonzola, fried pancetta and rosemary (see picture)

  4. add roasted garlic and lots of black pepper

  5. top with a dollop of sour cream and thick-cut croutons

  6. add some black beans, tomatoes, cayenne pepper, cilantro and cheese

  7. serve in ramekin dishes and top with melty cheese broiled for 3 minutes

  8. add grated fresh ginger

  9. add fried bacon and drizzle with hot bacon fat

  10. whisk in heavy cream for a velouté

the pumpkin flesh on its way to becoming complete mush

the pumpkin flesh on its way to becoming complete mush

Apple Tart Cake

Apple Tart Cake

World’s Best Scones

World’s Best Scones