
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Hot Fudge

I’m going to be trite here, but life goes on. A new semester has begun. Our house has sold. And our tiny, new baby daughter? We caught her smoking in the back alley the other day with the neighbor’s kid. No, not really. But that’s how it feels sometimes. Monday to Friday feels like a year, and a year is over in what feels like a minute. I’m going through a phase of sadness (mourning?) over selling this house, which is compounded by seeing my daughter grow up right under my nose coupled with the punishing effects of sleep deprivation. Stella can walk, sure, but she can’t sleep through the night. And lately? She can’t sleep between 3 and 5 am.


This is our very first house together, and it has absorbed a lot of yelling, cooking, dancing and loving. And I’m proud of it, all 600 square feet of cracks and chips and 120-year-old creaking floors. Every time I turn the key in the door I think of how small the number of times I’ll do that is becoming. Everyone tells me how exciting this is – new house! yay! – but I don’t feel excited. Not yet, anyways. Maybe when I finally get (and recline on) an L-shaped sofa, which is pretty much the only reason we bought a bigger house, my thoughts will change. But for now? I need to sulk a little (and maybe nap).

And where there is unnecessary, sulking? There must also be hot fudge sundaes.


Homemade hot fudge never changes. If you grew up in the US, not only will you know hot fudge, you will love hot fudge. It’s the ultimate sulk-buster. Or at least, the ultimate sulk companion.

Today I made hot fudge because we’re having some people over for dinner – and yes, I know I’m forgetting to post shortlists! – and we’re making cheeseburgers and sweet potato fries. I challenge you to tell me an ending more appropriate to that All-American Extravaganza than a hot fudge sundae.

I had to make some changes to my usual recipe, though, as I didn’t have any heavy cream and couldn’t be bothered to make the 2 minute walk to the shop to get some. But you know what? Hot fudge made with milk is just as good as hot fudge made with cream. Know why? Because it’s hot fudge.

So rather than continue on with this mindless blabber, I’ll give you both recipes. I should also mention – and this is important – that hot fudge takes approximately 5 minutes to make, which is why I have enough time to write this lil post. Five minutes is just enough time to chose what sort of ice cream you want under this stuff. Just enough time to get cuddled up on the couch and sulk. With a big hot fudge sundae. And a sigh.


HOT FUDGE (with cream)

2/3 cup heavy cream

1/2 cup corn syrup (or honey)

1/3 brown sugar, packed

1/4 cup cocoa powder

6 ounce (170 grams) bittersweet chocolate, chopped

2 tablespoons butter

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

In a medium saucepan, mix the heavy cream, corn syrup, sugar, cocoa and half the chocolate. Bring to a low boil over medium heat, stirring until chocolate is melted and the mixture is smooth, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat, add in the remaining chocolate, the butter and the vanilla, stir to melt. Cool to warm before serving over ice cream.

HOT FUDGE (with milk)

makes about 2 cups. Recipe adapted from Rachel Cooks.

1 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup cocoa
2 tbsp flour
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

a big chunk of dark chocolate (optional)

In a small saucepan, combine sugar, cocoa and flour with a whisk until there are no more clumps. Add milk, butter, and vanilla (and chocolate if using). Bring to a boil over medium high heat, stirring continuously, and boil 2-3 minutes or until thickened. It will thicken some more as it cools.

You can store it in the fridge and warm up how much you want, when you want it.

Double Butterscotch Cookies

Double Butterscotch Cookies

Cranberry Orange Oat Bran Bread

Cranberry Orange Oat Bran Bread