
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Summer Fruit Crumble

Summer Fruit Crumble


It’s a summer of firsts for me. My first summer in the U.S. in a decade. My first summer not in Italy in a decade. My first summer working (at a not-summer-job job). My first summer not traveling. My first summer in many years not married, and my first summer without Stella.


Transitions are hard, people say. It takes time.I know. I’ve been told. If I was to believe what they say, I’d know I’ll be fine.I thought I’d find comfort in those delicious unchangeables: afternoon thunderstorms, Boston accents, tree frogs, summer fruit, the muffled buzz of my parents’ radio a floor below. But those things don’t feel the same when I don’t feel myself.I’m both unable to write about this eloquently and unsure if I want to.

This summertime sadness will pass, just like they say, and I’ll figure out who I am, was and will be. For now, I look for comfort in things that I know, and in the people who know me.


Some of the things they tell me is that I like stone fruit, I like to bake, and I like to have dinners outside with lost count wine bottles, a mash up of accents and no sense of time.

So I’m trying. I pit cherries, I melt butter. I try to stay up even when all I want to do is sleep because there’s a chance, however heartbreakingly small, that when I wake up, it will all have been a dream.


Summer Fruit Crumble

Despite the depressing words above, this is truly a delicious and easy summer dessert, adapted from this blog. Serves 8 – 10. Can be adapted to use up whatever fruit you’d like. I used about 6 plums, 1 peach, 1 cup cherries (pitted) and 1 cup blueberries. Serve warm with barely sweetened whipped cream or mascarpone. Can be refrigerated and reheated.


A mix of ripe stone fruit (e.g. plums, peaches, cherries) and berries (I used blueberries), in large chunks

1/4 cup sugar (or to taste)

1 1/2 tablespoons flour

juice of 1/4 lemon (optional)


1 cup flour

2/3 cup sugar (or to taste)

1 1/2 tablespoons baking powder

pinch salt

1 egg, beaten lightly

6 tablespoons (1/2 cup; 115 grams) butter, melted


Preheat oven to 375F/190C.

In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients under the “FRUIT” heading.

In another large bowl, mix the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Add in the beaten egg, and mix with a fork or your hands until it begins to get clumpy. You can add some ground cinnamon, allspice, clove and/or nutmeg, too.

Spread the fruit in a large casserole or pie dish and spread the flour mixture evenly on top. Now pour the melted butter over evenly and bake for around 40 – 45 minutes, or until the crumble is golden brown and bubbling.

You can make the crumble a few days ahead – just keep it in the fridge and reheat at 300F/150C to serve warm.

Serve warm with ice cream, mascarpone or creme fraiche.

Lamb & Harissa Sausage Rolls

Lamb & Harissa Sausage Rolls

Baby Spinach Salad with Dates and Almonds

Baby Spinach Salad with Dates and Almonds