
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Snapshots from Italy: Emilia-Romagna

Snapshots from Italy: Emilia-Romagna

Stefani, Bologna

Stefani, Bologna

Bologna, La Grassa, a city known for its ragù, mortadella (bologna!), lasagna and worship of pork. But despite Bologna’s culinary fame, there’s so much more in Emilia-Romagna to be grateful for.

Pasta features heavily, from the tagliatelle and gramigna in Bologna, to the stuffed cappelletti and tortelli in Romagna…


Gran Tris: pasta from Emilia-Romagna: lasagne verdi, tortellini con panna, strozzapreti; La Festa dell'Unita della Barca, Bologna

tortelli di patate (potato and pancetta stuffed pasta)

tortelli di patate (potato and pancetta stuffed pasta)

Cappelletti con fior di zucca

Cappelletti con fior di zucca


…as do affettati or cold cuts. World-famous Prosciutto di Parma comes from Parma in Emilia (as does Parmigiano-Reggiano); then there are the countless kinds of salami and salumi, prosciutti and insaccatti.


Light lunch in Bologna: prosciutto di Parma, salame, foccaccia, crescenta, mozzarella and roast eggplant


Another light lunch in Bologna: mortadella, salame di Felino, culatello and caprese

piadina and prosciutto

Bring your own lunch at l'Osteria del Sole, Bologna

Bring your own lunch at l'Osteria del Sole, Bologna

Not unexpectedly, I tend to forget about my camera when lunch or dinner is served, so this photo album is short and sweet. No material evidence remains of the squaquerone or zuppa inglese, the crescentine fritte or the aceto balsamico (not to mention the Lambrusco).

Just memories of friends, family and food and the wonderful sensation of being full.

Pasta maritata con cozze e ceci

Pasta maritata con cozze e ceci

Snapshots from Italy: Puglia

Snapshots from Italy: Puglia