
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Maccheroni con Salsiccia

Maccheroni con Salsiccia


Things are a little hectic around here. It’s almost midnight and there’s a cake in the oven (yes, that one. Again. I can’t help it!), my husband is leaning into his computer with a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth, we just finished the first season of Dexter, the dining room table is drowning in my books, and the dog – exhausted from jumping onto the roof, two romps in the park and an accidental jump into Sydney Harbour (which was followed by a bath, otherwise known as mortal combat)- is snoring loudly in front of the heater. OK, maybe it’s not that hectic.

Just beginning to brown the sausage

Just beginning to brown the sausage

But on a night like this, in the middle of those weeks where I feel like the time is just slipping through my fingers? When all you want is to reach into the fridge and pull out the perfect tupperware of leftovers? This is the perfect pasta. It’s filling and delicious and ready in 20 minutes. Just so I’m never caught off guard, I always keep plain sausages in the freezer (despite Francesco’s loud and crumple-faced protests).

Don’t be fooled by its humble nature or frugality or foolproofedness: I never hesitate to serve this for guests. Everyone who eats sausage (sorry, house guest!)  loves it.

And I always make extra. You know, for leftovers.



Easiest recipe ever? This huge crowd pleaser serves 4-6 so feel free to double it.

6 plain pork sausages (that means with no spices!)

2 cups tomato passata (puree)

garlic powder

Heat a little bit of olive oil in a large pot. Remove the sausage casings and squeeze the interiors into the pot. Over medium-high heat, brown the sausages, crumbling the pieces with a wooden spoon, for about 10 minutes. Add the tomato passata and lower the heat. Cook for another 15 minutes or so, then add a dash or two of garlic powder. Season to taste with salt and pepper, serve with rigatoni (or another short pasta) with grated parmigiano.

Pita Chips

Pita Chips

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies