
I know I’m getting a bit Italo-centric here, but what can I say? I cook what I know.

I didn’t know about this dessert at all until a gorgeous dinner during a trip to Italy last year. We had been invited to Francesco’s aunt’s house in the countryside near Bologna. A family affair, the kind I love: piling into the car, getting lost, arriving late and grumpy and starving. And then sitting down in a warm room with a fire and the smell of rosemary and a roast and a table full of unopened bottles.

Pumpkin Gingersnap Bread Pudding with Mascarpone Cream

This is one of those recipes that does what I hate to do: clean out my refrigerator. In this case, it took care of that little bit of leftover pumpkin puree, a haphazardly opened packet of ginger nut biscuits (ginger snaps) (it was house guest, I swear), a half loaf of day-old bread, the rest of a carton of questionable milk, and the second half of a tub of mascarpone.

Rhubarb Crisp

Oh, Rhubarb, you are quite possibly the most delicious pie filling in the history of the universe, but yet, so mysterious. You are tart and sweet. You carry wintry and summery overtones. Francesco thinks you’re German; I think you’re British.